Why We Speak the Truth in Love

speaking the truth in loveDo not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

It was the greatest gift.

It would have been easy to leave the gift un-given and even easier to leave it unwrapped, but it was best for all that the gift was given and received. It was a gift of self-sacrificial love that was purely for the benefit of the loved one. It took courage to deliver and humility to receive, but it was a true gift.

It was the gift of truth, delivered with loving kindness.

Sometimes we refrain from speaking hard truths because we know they’ll hurt. But when spoken with a pure desire to help, short-term hurt leads to long-term growth. Our goal is to build one another up.

In this chapter of Ephesians, Paul promotes unity among the community of believers. He encourages them to help each other grow and mature so as one body they will be stronger and more effective for the kingdom.

As members of the same body intended for the same purpose and united by the same love, we should be characterized by honesty. Those who love one another and love God rejoice with the truth (1 Cor 13:6). Speaking the truth in love is not as much about being gentle as it is about the way truth and love go hand-in-hand.

Because we love one another, we speak the truth.

Yes. The truth stung, but I admired the honesty. I welcomed the correction and the opportunity for growth. It was a true gift.

The one who heeds correction gains understanding (Prov 15:32).

When have you grown because a true friend offered correction?

Click on these links to read about my humble admission regarding my perspectives on race
and welcoming correction.

#SeedsofScripture #truthinlove #encourageoneanother #truth #honest #ephesians


  1. J.D. Wininger on September 23, 2020 at 8:34 PM

    Having been on both sides of this equation, I have to admit that I’ve had limited success, both as giver and recipient of true, godly counsel. In my case, I find that success has been limited and largely situational. Where was I at in my journey in faith? Where was my heart in wanted to offer help to correct a Christian brother? And in the same light, at what level of maturity was I and the other party at in our faith? Sometimes, even though we may have honorable intentions, and we know what truth needs to be shared, I’ve been prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking that truth. I believe that had I proceeded, I could have done more harm than good to that person’s faith. Instead, I was led to help them mature more in their faith. In doing so, they were convicted themselves of the very thing I wanted to bring to their attention. Heeding God’s lead is always best. 🙂 In the same way, if my heart is not in the right place, then receiving truth causes me to become very defensive. That’s usually when I realize I’m being “righteous” not “right.”

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