Uncontainable Joy: True Fulfillment Found Only in Jesus
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Smiling, I watch the toddler press both hands over the hole to hold back the gush of water. Giggles spill out when she sits on the bubbling fountain as water squirts up around her. There is no stopping it.
Jesus paints a picture of an uncontainable spring to depict the joy of life with Him.
Jesus told her, “[The water I give] becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them.”
John 4:14 (NLT)
He offers living water to a hopeless woman unable to escape her shame. Shunned as filth by her community, she avoids their sneers by filling her water jars in the heat of the day rather than encounter the village women in the cooler morning.
But Jesus, instead of avoiding the land of the Jews’ despised half-breed cousins, travels intentionally into Samaria to find her, the woman at the well. I’m reminded that Jesus leaves the 99 to reclaim one precious lost sheep.
The Samaritan woman lived as a shame-filled outcast, but Jesus seeks her out to tell her that God can fill her with joy. God overlooks her mistakes and lifts the burden of her guilt. Jesus’ forgiveness provides freedom from shame.
She sought security and happiness in husbands but failed to find it.
Don’t most of us chase after happiness? A plethora of self-help books and articles offer how-to’s: practice gratitude, foster meaningful relationships, exercise, explore nature, practice self-care and mindfulness, give to others, achieve financial security, declutter, ditch the phone.
The world makes the pursuit of happiness our highest goal. We base most of life’s decisions around what will make us happy.
Possessions, success, popularity, and food satisfy our longing for happiness, but we eventually need more. The reward is temporary. Only Jesus’ living water can quench the yearning we have for fulfillment.
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
John 4:13-14 (NIV)
Jesus promises a gushing fountain coming from inside us. When we quench our longings with Jesus’ words, the presence of the Holy Spirit and God’s promises, we overflow with satisfying, never ending life.
With Jesus, refreshing joy pours out all over the place and everyone nearby gets wet.
How and why are believers filled with such joy? Each one has a story leading them to Christ. My story is a series of if-then realizations (yes, I studied computer programming).
I gained knowledge through Bible study about imperfect people and messy events that remarkably shape a single story from Genesis to Revelation. They all play a role in moving God’s story forward toward the same goal.
If the Bible is a unified story taking place over thousands of years, then the Bible is divinely inspired and True.
If the Bible is True, then I can believe what it says:
God loves me. God forgives me. Nothing I can do will make him love me more.
If God means what He says, then I am loved, and my mistakes are forgotten. Not so fast. The if-then shift from knowing God loves me to believing it took years.
Like the woman at the well, I felt unlovable, unforgivable. In my mind if I became a good rule follower, then God could love me. But I finally realized it was impossible to make myself good. If I come to God who accepts me as-is, then He transforms me.
For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.
Matthew 11:30 (NLT)
Jesus likens the practice of yoking a young ox to a mature one for training purposes. When we allow ourselves to take on Jesus’ yoke, His Spirit trains and reshapes us to be more Christ-like. And Jesus’ way of love is lighter than the burden of adhering strictly to rules.
Yoked to Jesus we are focused on others rather than ourselves. Extending kindness to everyone we encounter, taking care of those in need, and letting go of bitterness yields a life overflowing with joy. It comes from a place of knowing Jesus did the same for us – extended grace and lifted the weight of our guilt.
I see myself in the woman at the well. As depicted by The Chosen series, I watch her face as she realizes that Jesus speaks Truth. She sees Jesus as the Messiah and begins to understand what that means. The Truth transforms her shame into uncontainable joy.
- Do you know God loves and forgives you, but have trouble believing it?
- Are you tired of carrying secrets that weigh on your heart and impact your self-worth?
- Do you crave comfort, peace, and happiness?
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28 (NLT)
Are you ready to experience freedom from shame and uncontainable joy?
Reach out today, and let’s explore your next step toward Jesus.
You might wonder: How do I find joy during difficulties? What does it mean to be yoked? Click the links to read more.
#SeedsofScripture #readthebiblebetter #biblestudy #scripturestudy #Christinme #transformed #betransformed #transformedlife #thechosen #surrendertoGod #womanatthewell #samaritanwoman #livingwater #pursuitofhappiness #joyinChrist #freedomfromshame
This really resonated with me. Thank you, Cathy.
I’m so glad God spoke to you. We grew up in the church but did we know Jesus? I didn’t. Not until I realized I couldn’t make up for my past by being a good girl. Surrender. That’s what it takes. Giving up and receiving His love. Great to hear from you!
Thank you Cathy I love reading the Seeds of Scripture. Whether helpful or comforting I always get something from you.
Thanks for that encouragement Nina. Great to hear from you!