Learning about the culture and language of Bible times can reveal new meaning in familiar scriptures. Let’s call them ah-ha moments.
Topics to Dig Into
Epiphany: Freedom in the Truth
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, He Knows You
Truth: God forgave us long before we forgave ourselves. Live free from guilt and shame—Jesus carried that on the cross. Christ doesn’t condemn; He forgives.
Shepherds & the Lamb of God: A Christmas Connection
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Who is He? | 3 Comments
Every detail of scripture has meaning. Every word carefully chosen. The shepherds were intentionally chosen, too, to recognize the Lamb of God.
Wise Men Build on Rock: Embracing Jesus’ Teaching
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Making it Practical | 1 Comment
I know that story! Maybe so, but the Bible is like an onion with many layers. A new tidbit about the wise man’s house built on rock strengthens the lesson.
Transform Your Heart: Go the Extra Mile with Radical Kindness
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Making it Practical | 2 Comments
‘Go the extra mile’ originated with Jesus. It shocked His original audience and demanded a radical attitude adjustment. Could we transform the world with love?
Turn the Other Cheek: What does Jesus mean?
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Making it Practical
Does Jesus really want us to turn the other cheek and accept abuse? NO!!! Let’s resist retaliation by offering the left cheek.
What is God’s will for my life?
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Making it Practical | 2 Comments
Have you ever wanted to know (or needed to know) God’s will for your life? Does God reveal His will? How can we know?
Lent: Why Jesus was Tested in the Wilderness
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, He Knows You | 3 Comments
Jesus is baptized and immediately thrown into the wilderness for a test. Why? What are the test questions? How does Jesus respond? Why does He want us to know?
Peter’s Confession at Caesarea Philippi: How Geography Adds Impact
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Who is He? | 6 Comments
Showing is better than telling which makes object lessons more memorable. Jesus brings his disciples to Caesarea Philippi for this lesson and a mid-term exam.
66 Hyperlinked Books: One Story that Leads to Jesus
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, Making it Practical | 2 Comments
Do you find Bible reading, well… boring? Difficult? Prefer a devotion that spells it out? Me too! Then I joined a study group and caught fire. Here’s why…
Water to Wine: Was Jesus’ first miracle just for fun?
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, He Knows You | 6 Comments
Jesus never did miracles just for fun or to draw attention to Himself. They always benefited others. So why turn water to wine?