Lord, Give Me Eyes to See
Topics to Dig Into
You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.
Matthew 13:14-15 (NIV)
My eyes are opening to the Black American experience. It’s not that I’ve ignored news about injustices. I heard and saw, but didn’t understand or perceive. I still see unclearly, but I’m listening.
The first disciples were in a similar position, just beginning to understand the meaning behind Jesus’ parables. Why did Jesus intentionally tell parables so some would perceive the message and others wouldn’t? Why not talk straight with an easy to grasp application?
Because Jesus’ message upset the status quo and many weren’t ready to hear it.
Those who were comfortable weren’t receptive; their hearts were callous. The religious hierarchy liked their status and ignored, even perpetuated, suffering around them. Injustice was part of life under Roman oppression. The temple leaders had positions of power and didn’t welcome critique or correction. Straight talk from Jesus wouldn’t change anything.
Only those with an open heart receptive to change could understand.
With just a little sincere curiosity or conviction, the parable started to have meaning. And the more someone turned toward Jesus, the clearer the message. But His words remained a confusing puzzle for those who didn’t respond. Jesus explains this increasing understanding:
Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.
Matt 13:12-13
I wonder:
What Bible teachings do I overlook because I’m comfortable with the status quo?
What do I fail to understand by presuming I already understand?
Do I have selective hearing when listening to the Holy Spirit?
Do these same questions apply to my ignorance regarding the lives of Black Americans?
#SeedsofScripture #eyestosee #Jesuswords #wordsofJesus #openmyeyes #blackexperience
Such an inspiring entry!!! I’m part of a small group of creatives who have a heart for the simple truth of scripture. I was seeking the scriptures regarding what it says regarding “eyes to see and ears to hear” and that’s how I came across your entry online. I was honestly humbled by how you put into words the experience of awakening that I went through also. Even the brief personal thoughts that you shared and the questions that you posed that I once longed to know also…. so profound. I love your heart for God! Thank you! I pray God for your continued health and strength 🙏🥰
Thank you for your note. I’m glad my post inspired you. It reminds me that posts I wrote quite a long time ago are still touching hearts. I feel your heart for God in your kind encouragement. Thank you.
Thank you Viviana! I appreciate your comment and I’m glad this post inspired you. I love that you’re in a small group looking for scriptural truth. Keep following because that’s what I’m all about here.