Have We Learned to Obey During Covid-19?

Obey Covid-19 rulesBut anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand.
Matthew 7:26 (NLT)

My glasses fog with every breath. I rush to hold the mask to my face when the elastic pops off my ear so as not to offend. It’s a nuisance.

It’s a nuisance, but masks protect everyone. We shelter at home. We work at home. No church. No school. No gym. No Starbucks. We bundle errands together and leave the house only when necessary. It’s restricting but we comply.

We miss friends and hugs and end-of-year celebrations and restaurants. But we’ve learned to obey. Obedience isn’t a popular word. None of us likes to be told what to do, but this pandemic has taught us to accept authority and obey. The rules are inconvenient, but we know they’re in our best interest.

God’s rules are in our best interest too. They’re instructions for becoming fully human, enduring trials, experiencing joy, and living in community. Jesus says we’re foolish if we know His commands yet don’t obey and He asks us to express our love for Him through obedience. But He lets us to choose.

If you love me, obey my commandments.
John 14:15 (NLT)

Could we transfer the obedience we’ve learned from the pandemic into obedience to God? Will we accept His authority and see that His intentions are good? Jesus wants us to obey willingly. Love can’t be coerced or forced. He doesn’t want begrudging or guilty obedience.

How will you answer?

  • Do you believe God is good and wants the best for us?
  • Have you studied Jesus’ teachings?
  • Which of His commands do you obey?
  • Why do you disobey others?
  • Will you willingly express your love for Jesus by obeying?

There is much to explore with regard to obedience, like whether the Bible is true, how God rewards a man who recognizes his disobedience, and that God knows we can’t obey without His help.

#SeedsofScripture #Covid19 #obedience #safeathome #Godisgood #obeyGod

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