Squeezing Through



Mark 10:25 (NLT)
In fact, it
is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person
to enter the Kingdom of God!
Jesus’ message in this conversation must have made an
impact because Matthew, Mark and Luke all include this teaching in their
writing.  It probably ruffled some
feathers in a culture that believed wealth indicated God’s blessing.
A few explanations are needed.  First, the Kingdom of God is not simply what
we describe as heaven or the afterlife. 
It can also mean living a life on earth that embodies God’s values –
heaven on earth, so to speak.  Jesus
often said of himself, the Kingdom of God is near, meaning He was the perfect
example of living God’s kingdom on earth. 
Second, different translations expand the idea of a
rich person to someone who ‘has it all’ or one who places their sense of safety
in riches.  We could probably say the
rich person leads a comfortable life.
Why is it hard for a person who ‘has it all’ to live the
life God desires?  Why are those who hit
rock bottom more easily transformed by Jesus?
Don’t lose hope or be discouraged.  It’s good food for thought.  In the very
next sentence
Jesus says the words you have certainly heard many times – With man this is impossible, but not with
God; all things are possible with God.
Read from the beginning of the Truth series here.
#Jesus #truth #kingdomofGod #wealth


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on May 28, 2015 at 11:09 AM

    Great thoughts to ponder. When one hits rock bottom the only way to look is up. They are hopeless and need a miracle. Only God can rescue them. Some of the rich believe that they accomplished success on their own so they do not need God. But their definition of success is not Gods'

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