Beyond Your Understanding
September 28, 2014//
Topics to Dig Into

1 Corinthians 2:14 (NLT)
Do you have a hard time understanding scripture?
There are many possible reasons: a hard-to-read Bible translation, no one with whom to discuss scripture, etc. But
perhaps one of the impediments is skepticism – approaching scripture already doubting its truth. Perhaps you’re hung up on the virgin birth or Jonah being swallowed by a fish. You doubt those accounts so the rest of the Bible is in question.
perhaps one of the impediments is skepticism – approaching scripture already doubting its truth. Perhaps you’re hung up on the virgin birth or Jonah being swallowed by a fish. You doubt those accounts so the rest of the Bible is in question.
Jesus told parables knowing that unreceptive people would scoff while those with open hearts would ‘get it’. Jesus said:
When they see what I do, they will learn nothing. When they hear what I say, they will not understand. Otherwise, they will turn to me and be forgiven. (Mark 4:12)
Ask God to help you understand. Allow Him to fill you with the Spirit. Open your mind to the possibility that, even
though not everything makes sense, there is overall goodness and truth. Don’t get caught up in the accuracy of details, but look for what the word pictures tell you about God’s character. Consider that He might be offering you a life beyond your understanding.
though not everything makes sense, there is overall goodness and truth. Don’t get caught up in the accuracy of details, but look for what the word pictures tell you about God’s character. Consider that He might be offering you a life beyond your understanding.
#seedsofscripture #understandingtheBible #openminded #askingGodforhelp