Why We Worship While Some Still Doubt?
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Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
Matthew 28:16-17 (NIV)
They all worship; but some still doubt.
This is one of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances, but not the first. Think about it. These eleven of Jesus’ travel companions have already experienced the risen Christ at least once.
They all worship; but some still doubt.
Thomas is the famous doubter who insists on seeing the resurrected Jesus before believing. Evidently Thomas is not the only doubter. Even after eating with Jesus, seeing His wounds, and hearing Him explain the Old Testament scriptures, some still doubt.
This doubt tries to make sense of it all; but they worship.
Jesus certainly knows their doubts but doesn’t rebuke them as He has in the past. They have gone to the mountain as He told them and they worship in spite of their doubts. Their faith is certain enough to obey and worship while trying to make sense of it.
We can worship Jesus and doubt at the same time. (click to tweet)
We’re in good company when we don’t have it all figured out. Jesus knows our faith will grow as we follow, worship, and build a relationship with Him. Like the man whose son Jesus healed, we say “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mk 9:24)
The rest of the story might surprise you. Jesus commissions this uncertain crew with taking His message to the world:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Mt 28:19-20)
We, too, are charged with teaching the world about Jesus in spite of lingering questions. The Holy Spirit empowers us, leads us, and gives us the words to speak. Perhaps, seeing the Spirit in action will be how God overcomes our unbelief.
What are your lingering questions about Jesus?
Where will you turn for answers?
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#SeedsofScripture #makedisciples #greatcommission #doubtingfaith #faithquestions
Good post Ms. Cathy; and a good lesson. We may not yet fully understand. In fact, God’s word tells we can’t. Still, our faith must be stronger than our doubt. Accepting that we don’t yet fully comprehend doesn’t make us weak or “bad” Christians, it merely makes us honest Christians. Well said ma’am.