Why We Shouldn’t Love Tomorrow

Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you
don’t know what the day will bring.


Be careful then how you live, not as
unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are


spoke with me today about tomorrow. It was a conviction, a reprimand.


see, I’m a master procrastinator.


inherently lazy, content to postpone tasks. Even as I write this post I’m
allowing interruptions.


morning I read Ken Weliever’s devotion that says “the boast of tomorrow often
renders us idle, lazy and ineffective today. Tomorrow whispers for us to wait.”
Weliever claims that Satan’s favorite word is tomorrow.


Apostle Paul instructs us to be wise and make the most of our time. This doesn’t
mean we can’t enjoy life or rest as needed. It’s that we shouldn’t waste time.
And I’m good at wasting time (mostly on Facebook).


positions us to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. It leaves space for
us to respond when God whispers “she needs encouragement”, “buy that homeless
man lunch”, “call your friend” or “look at that sunset”. And we must not
postpone these important directives by God.


urgent that we remain diligent. Tomorrow may have new troubles or it might not
come at all. God might have an important mission for us tomorrow and we need to
be ready.

Satan’s favorite word is tomorrow. Live
wisely, making the most of your time.

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Are you a procrastinator? In what ways
do you waste time?


#SeedsOfScripture #Procrastinate #Tomorrow


  1. Jamie on September 23, 2016 at 12:07 PM


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