Who? What? Why?

(Jesus weeps over Jerusalem) But as He came closer to
Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, He began to weep. “How I wish today that you
of all people would understand the way to peace.”
Luke 19:41-42 (NLT)
Holy Week begins next Sunday as we
celebrate Palm Sunday.  It takes effort
to make this annual event meaningful and not be passive bystanders. 
Let’s participate together this
year.  Let’s wonder what it all
means.  Let’s ask each other questions
and discover personal meaning.  Are you
What happened during Holy Week, the
final week of Jesus’ life on earth?
I’ve already revealed the first
event. What happened on Palm Sunday? Why was it important? Why a parade? Why
palms? Why a donkey? What does Hosanna mean?
Who? What? Why?
Let’s wonder as we approach the most
important week in the Christian faith.
These Holy Week articles would be perfect to repost on
Facebook or Twitter or to forward through email.  Scatter seeds as the world recognizes Palm
Sunday, Good Friday and Easter.
#Lent #mystery #questions #HolyWeek #PalmSunday #Easter #GoodFriday


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on March 21, 2015 at 12:04 PM

    amen. I actually took the gospels and put them in chronological order for holy week. This was before I knew about Chronological Bibles. thank you for the reminder

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