When a Weather Delay is a Gift

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
  Do not depend on
your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
  And He will show you
which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
I waited 7 hours in the Ft.
Lauderdale airport.
As luck would have it, the day I
flew to Florida was New England’s first winter weather event. Ice. Slush. Yuck!
My son and I could not get seats on the same flight, so I left from Providence
and he from Boston. By chance, I hopped on an earlier flight and arrived 3
hours ahead of schedule. Alas, my son’s flight from Boston was delayed 4 hours.
Groan. Being stuck
in the airport for 7 hours is a drag, right?
No, a gift!
I used all that time plus the flight
time to review notes from my Israel trip, fact check, and outline my thoughts
to share with you on Jan 6th. While my unexpected trip concerned me because
it shortened my time to prepare for Insights from Israel, God had is all
figured out.
He gave me the gift of 7+ hours of
concentrated work with a laptop and free wi-fi! Thank you God! I’m not sure my
son feels equally blessed, but I’ll take it. God is faithful to finish the good
work He began (Phil 1:6).
Will you join me in Medfield Jan 6th at 9:30am or
7pm for Insights from Israel? I’ll share some of the ways my experience brings
new light to scripture.
#SeedsOfScripture #AirportDelay
I am writing from Florida while celebrating
Jolayne’s life. Posts this week might be sporadic or prolific. Who knows? God
may use this time of reflection to speak mightily or I might be too busy. Thank
you for your patience and your support.


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on December 31, 2015 at 11:38 AM

    God is so good. Thank you for sharing. I will continue to pray as you prepare. I want to come but don't think I can make it. I know it will be a blessed time.

  2. CathyChung on January 6, 2016 at 12:17 AM

    Thanks Cherrilynn. You would love all that I learned in Israel. I did a 'dress rehearsal' today for one of my Bible study groups and they responded very positively, wanting to learn more and dig into scripture with their newfound insight. I love that! All for God's glory.

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