What is Faith?
November 7, 2016//
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Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.
Hebrews 11:1,6 (NIV)
Hebrews 11:1,6 (NIV)
I’d like a list of requirements that would assure me an admission ticket to heaven. Such a list does not exist, but I imagine it would be short and challenging.
Believe. Trust. Have faith.
Because we can’t see or touch God in the literal sense, it takes faith to even believe He exists. But through experiences of guidance, or nature, or coincidences, we become certain that He exists.
Believing God exists is the first step toward faith.
Believing His promises is the next step. Realizing that He loves us and hears our prayers. Discovering the truth in His promise to provide and guide. Gaining strength and courage from His presence and protection.
Over time, we learn that God can be trusted.
But when God asks us to trust Him, can we take the leap of faith? Will we follow His call to a task we don’t completely understand and control?
We have good examples of faith. Noah built an ark before the rain began. Abraham left his comfortable, familiar life for an unspecified destination. Both took action before they could see the outcome. This is faith.
It is impossible to please God without faith.
Stepping into the unknown is frightening, uncomfortable, and challenging. But we might not reach God’s wonderful plan for our lives if we don’t step out in faith.
Trust God. Have faith. Jump in!
What is God prompting you to try that requires you to trust Him?
#SeedsOfScripture #trustHim #havefaith