What I Didn’t Know Was Missing

Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?
Luke 24:32 (NLT)
The fire is back.
I noticed it missing when I taught a class recently. I didn’t have my usual passion for the Word and felt flat. I couldn’t pinpoint the reason until, after several days of consistent devotions, I was charged up again and filled with God.
The passion is back! I am excited about the scripture readings and anxious to share
with you.
This devotional writing by William Temple helped me rediscover the importance of consistency:
There is the first thing – the bringing of the inner life under the control of the Holy Spirit by the perpetual discipline which brings us back, day by day, to the remembrance and companionship of Jesus Christ. Upon that everything else depends, for if the inward life is not sound you cannot do much with the outer. – from Selections from the Writings of William Temple

Daily companionship with Jesus is the first and most important thing. It has an impact on my day-to-day life as well as my overall view of the world.Are you feeling flat? Would you like to feel full of God’s energy? Try spending some time with Him both talking and listening. A book or online devotional can help and many are available in different sizes and flavors. Comment on the blog or email me for suggestions.

Everything depends on having day by day companionship with Jesus. (tweet this)

#SeedsofScripture #heartsonfire #timewithGod #devotions


  1. Denise on February 15, 2018 at 6:17 PM

    Cathy – thank you for this encouragement. You've described my current situation perfectly. I need to get back into consistent time with the Lord. OF Course.

    • CathyChung on February 18, 2018 at 11:31 AM

      I’m glad you were encouraged Denise. The slide away from our consistent time with God can be so gradual we don’t notice. In my case it was a period of time of holidays and travel that shook up my routine. I hadn’t realized how empty I’d become. I hope you’re back on track and feeling filled with His Spirit!

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