The Sound of Money

While Jesus was in the Temple, He watched the rich people
dropping their gifts in the collection box. 
Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. “I tell you
the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of
them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she
is, has given everything she has.”

 Luke 21:1-4 (NLT)
BANG! K-Clang-Clang-Clang!
Can you hear the coins hitting the metal
box?  A large, loud offering might draw
attention.  It might impress.  But it might not be acceptable to God.
From the very beginning God has preferred
some offerings over others. Cain offered some
of his crops while Abel offered the first
and best
of his flock. God saw Cain’s greedy shortcut and preferred Abel’s offering.
Cain was so angry and jealous he murdered Abel (Genesis 4).  God saw the heart behind each brother’s offering.
Only one expressed gratitude, obedience and trust.
Ping……   Ping.
The poor widow truly had nothing to
give, but gave it all.  The rich people
had plenty and probably gave an impressive sum, but only a tiny part of their
surplus.  It didn’t require any trust, would
have no impact on their lives and wouldn’t even make dent in their surplus.
This was one of Jesus’
crucial-to-teach-before-death lessons told during His last week on earth. It’s an
uncomfortable one because most of us are quite comfortable financially. As such,
we should examine our offerings and the heart with which we give.
Does your offering to God express
gratitude, obedience and trust?
These Holy Week articles would be perfect to repost on
Facebook or Twitter or to forward through email.  Scatter seeds as the world recognizes Palm
Sunday, Good Friday and Easter.
#HolyWeek #Easter #offering #trust


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on March 29, 2015 at 10:57 AM

    convicted! I desire to give more but the result is that I don't. Pray for me that I trust God in this area. Thank you for this.

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