The Giver


 The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed
for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.
 1 Corinthians 1:18

 In my last post, I shared a situation about giving an awesome, perfect and expensive gift, but receiving casual acknowledgment and minimal gratitude. I asked “How would you feel?”
One response questioned my intentions. Another advised giving it to God. Several of you sat alongside me in my disappointment. You felt the excitement and anticipation, the waiting and bewilderment, and finally, the disappointment and sadness.
Did you feel it? Delight dashed. Excitement cooled.
I think He feels it too.
Yes, Him. The Giver.
Jesus gave His life for us. He set us free from guilt and shame and death, yet many of us live like it’s no big deal. God planned and prepared an incredibly full life for each of us.  We hold the ‘very power of God’ – even a mustard seed of faith can move mountains! Are we too busy or set in our habits to apply it? Perhaps we don’t know how or don’t think we need it.
How does The Giver feel?
Jesus is the best gift ever. Do we leave His power and grace unopened? Are we
too casual in our gratitude? Fortunately, His grace doesn’t lose its potency.
It’s we who miss out.
Imagine The Giver’s celebration when we fully accept His presence!
I have opened the gift. Merely peeking inside has given my life joy and purpose and it just keeps getting better. Not only is Jesus the best gift ever, He is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
Will you open the Gift?
Melinda Inman at Seriously Write inspired this story. I didn’t give the gift that can change your life. God did. Pass it on by posting on your social media or emailing to a
#seedsofscripture #Easter #thebestgiftever #lifechanging @MelindaVInman


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on April 18, 2015 at 11:52 AM

    I cried while reading this. I was convicted that I am not enjoying the Gift that God gave me. I have been focused on my own problems and not the problem solver. I repent and run to my Gift who is Jesus. I know He will receive me with open arms.

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