No Thanks?

Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!  2 Corinthians 9:15
Will you help?
I found the perfect gift for
someone! I love when that happens! It
was expensive, but if she’d put it to use, I believed her life would improve
dramatically! I was so excited! I wrote a personal note, wrapped it carefully,
and shipped it off. I couldn’t wait to hear her reaction! (Too many exclamation
marks? No. It was that perfect!)
But the phone didn’t ring.  Days went by without a word.
I was beyond disappointed. I checked
the tracking information and, yes, the package had been delivered.
Confused, I resolved “She hasn’t opened
it yet.” But who gets a package and doesn’t open it? Were my intentions
misunderstood? Perhaps she didn’t see the need or was too busy to try something
Eventually, we bumped in to each
other. Should I mention the gift? Should I suggest ways to use it or how it
might be helpful? It felt awkward. I didn’t want to seem pushy, but I wanted to
understand. So I timidly asked if she’d received the package.
“Oh, yes! It was great! Thanks!” as
she hurried along.
That’s it? That’s your level of
gratitude? This was truly the best thing ever!
How would you feel? What would you
do? Please, please, please let me know in the comments or via email.
#Easter #thebestgiftever #gratitude #nothanks


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on April 16, 2015 at 5:25 PM

    I would initially be hurt. Then remember that anything done for the Lord goes unnoticed by Him. The reward is in Heaven. I would pray for the person that I gave the gift to. Maybe that person is going through a hard time and is too focused on the problem to acknowledge a great gift.

  2. Wendy Kohman on April 16, 2015 at 6:09 PM

    I have to admit that I'd be sorely disappointed as well. I get really excited when I choose a gift for someone with great care and think they will really like it. Yes, I do want them to be grateful but even more, I want to be affirmed that I "nailed it". It's kind of twisted…making the giving as much about me as them. However, you can parallel this with our gratefulness to God. He gives SO freely and our gratefulness doesn't come close to His giving. I suppose He is disappointed but it doesn't stop Him from continuing to love and give unconditionally. "Freely you have been given, freely give." Matt. 10:8

    • CathyChung on April 17, 2015 at 12:46 PM

      Ah Wendy, you are so wise. That's just where I'm headed in the next post. My 'situation' is fictional and simply intended to help readers feel the disappointment God must feel the way many of us receive His salvation.

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