The Best Gift Ever!

Philippians 2:6-7 (NLT) Though he was God, he did not think
of equality with God as something to cling to. 
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position
of a slave and was born as a human being. 
Why do you exchange gifts at Christmas?
This is not a trick question.  Do you give because it’s expected?  Have you paused to consider why you bustle around
to find just the right item?  Why do you buy
for a needy child or donate to your favorite charity?  Why do
you give?
Because Jesus was the greatest gift
EVER!  (That was not said with the
signature teenage attitude and eye-roll, but it could be read that way)  Of course!  Jesus is the reason!  We celebrate the Father’s amazing gift of
love by sharing love with others.  So
let’s step back to consider God’s gift of Jesus and then imitate His generosity.
Let’s start by remembering that God created
humans for relationship with Him.  God is
love and Love needs to be expressed. 
However, the first rebellious sin and the tangled mess of sin that
followed made us unfit to be in His eternal presence.  At the very moment the first human turned
away, God determined His rescue plan.  Jesus.  Why? 
He loves us.
The Father loved the world so much
that He gave His only Son…
It’s hard to wrap my head around the
Trinity concept – the 3 in 1.  While we
often refer to the Father, Son, and Spirit as separate entities, they are all
God.  Jesus is God with skin.
God voluntarily set aside His divine
status to enter our space and live among us. 
He could have planned a super hero type rescue, but instead, Jesus was
born a completely vulnerable infant, no different than any one of us.  He spent time on earth and demonstrated
love.  He offered love to anyone who
would accept it, but was particularly attentive to the outcast.  Then Jesus gave His life.
So back to my question:  Why do you give?  How do
you give?  Does your giving reflect God’s
generosity?  (tweet this)
#Advent #Jesus #giftgiving

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