Parting Words Southern Style

Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy
for the body.
Proverbs 16:24 (NLT)
I’ve just returned from the land of
kind politeness.
This isn’t Downton Abbey polite. I’m
talking about sincere, how-can-I-help-you Southern kindness. In Houston I was
called ma’am as in “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am”. It wasn’t spoken in a sharp
military style, but in a friendly polite manner with a bit of an accent. What a
refreshing change to the indifferent “yeah” or “nope”!
Before my flight home, the Wingstop cashier
at the airport said “we appreciate you” in place of the standard “have a nice
day”. Wow! This fast food place appreciates my business! Have you ever heard a
McDonald’s drive through attendant say that?
Perhaps it’s my pseudo-Southern Florida
upbringing, but I love this way of talking to one another. It’s friendly, warm,
and respectful.
One farewell phrase, however, made
the biggest impact: Be blessed. Where I live we say “see ya later” or “g’bye”
or “safe travels”. But I was touched every time someone said “be blessed”. How
wonderful to part ways with such good wishes – almost a prayer!
Be blessed.
Several years ago I began signing
personal letters and emails with ‘Blessings’. That was a big step and a bit
uncomfortable. I sometimes still go back to ‘Sincerely’ depending on who I’m
communicating with. I certainly don’t say
it in conversation. But be warned, I’m going to give it a try. So…
Ya’ll be blessed!
Do you think
I’ll offend anyone?
#SeedsOfScripture #Blessings #Kind


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on January 20, 2016 at 9:37 AM

    Great post, Cathy. I love the idea of saying, Blessings. If someone is offended that is their hang up. You are not saying God bless you. No matter what we do, someone will take offense at one time or another (sad state of affairs) Live life pouring into others and being a blessing, no matter what. God see's all and will be proud. You are awesome. Be yourself. Blessings to you my friend

    • CathyChung on January 20, 2016 at 11:18 PM

      I've been signing emails and letters Blessings for several years. And today I began saying "Be Blessed" instead of goodbye. It feels good. My heart joins the words to wish them well.

  2. CathyChung on January 20, 2016 at 11:35 PM

    The "Be Blessed" project has launched. I practiced using it today with interesting responses. The first, a man, responded with surprise and appreciation. The next chuckled as if to say "How ridiculous". At least she didn't yell at me. Most responded with sincere appreciation. It was refreshing because my heart joined my words in wishing them God's blessings.

  3. Anonymous on January 21, 2016 at 1:19 AM

    So true. Why do we feel uncomfortable saying blessed? Like we'll be judged for being 'too churchy.' Love that southerners are so open with their beliefs. More generally open about their lives, too

    • CathyChung on January 21, 2016 at 1:20 AM

      It's just an adjustment I think. We don't hear it in these parts so it sounds odd. I've been testing it out today and have enjoyed it.

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