Worship Jesus: Pour Out Heartfelt Gratitude

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4Only those closest to Jesus heard the soft snap of the seal. But within moments, the lively dinner conversation fell silent as every guest sought out the source of the pungent aroma permeating the room. The overwhelming scent set all eyes on her.

The biblical text doesn’t provide such specific details, but we can imagine this banquet at a former outsider’s home not far from the city. Jerusalem was likely beginning to swell with pilgrims arriving for the upcoming Passover feast. (Mark 14:1-2)

Only the disciples are mentioned as guests of the host, but because of their reclining posture at the table, this is likely a banquet. It’s a friendly gathering of those who know Jesus well and those whose lives have been transformed by Him, like the host, a former leper.

And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head.
Mark 14:3

Anointing a guest’s forehead was a common practice, much like foot washing, sometimes to honor them and other times to cover their traveling ‘aroma’. The women used a few drops of nard, a concentrated oil, as perfume. Nard was also used during burial preparation to cover the stench of rotting flesh.

This unnamed woman’s actions expressed deep appreciation for Jesus. We don’t know how Jesus impacted her life. Perhaps He healed her or redirected her away from a destructive life. The impact was clearly transformative. A second chance. Unburdened. Perhaps Simon, the host and former untouchable understood. (Though notably he is still identified as Simon the leper. Why not Simon the Healed?)

She adored Jesus with abandon.

She seemed unconcerned that most likely, every guest judged the display. Her full attention was on Jesus. She wanted, rather she needed Jesus to receive her adoration.

Her tender anointing crossed societal norms. Did the men at the table squirm in their seats and tsk-tsk this unnamed woman’s intimate display? We’ll explore their response in the next post, but I don’t want to rush past this woman’s vulnerable moment.

I admire her courage, but I doubt she gave propriety one thought. Jesus was likely never by Himself and time was running out. She seized the moment and released her irrepressible affection.

Her bold act invites us to reflect: How do I express love to Jesus?

Some traditions raise their hands in worship. This feels unnatural to me and my thoughts wander. Even when I turn my palms receptively upward (which does feel appropriate) I’m self-conscious. I imagine critiquing eyes instead of expressing love for God. Do they think I’m over-the-top or faking it? Why do I care? “Am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God?Galatians 1:10

Does Jesus care how we worship? Yes and no.

Yes, He cares that we acknowledge Him, appreciate His impact in my life, and adore Him as He adores me.

Does He prescribe a particular outward expression? No, God cares about the sincerity of my heart. Isaiah reminds us that actions can become meaningless rituals. (Isaiah 29:13)

Her gratitude invites us to consider: How has Jesus transformed my life?

Jesus definitely transformed my life. He removed the shame and guilt I dragged around and dramatically redirected my life. Will I spontaneously fall to the ground in adoration? In New England, such love might be misconstrued as a medical emergency!

So, when my heart swells with unrestrained appreciation, God receives my unspoken but genuine outpouring. Words aren’t needed.

Only one thing matters: that Jesus knows I adore Him.

Like this unnamed woman, we are called to bring our love and gratitude to Jesus, not worrying about others’ opinions but focusing on God’s worthiness. As Jesus said, “the first and most important command is to love God with heart, mind, soul, and strength.” (Matthew 22:36-39)

In this season, we express gratitude for our blessings.

  • Let’s also show gratitude for our God from whom all blessings flow.
  • Let’s remember that each gift springs from God’s love for us, especially the gift of His Son.
  • Let’s take stock of Jesus’ impact on our lives and pour our uncontainable adoration over Him.

True worship flows from our heart, not our form.

How will you turn gratitude into worship?
How will you express your love for Jesus this week?

Dig Deeper:
With deep love comes a heart bursting with joy And when we can’t summon gratitude or joy, we pray: God, help me love you more.

#SeedsofScripture #scripturestudy #readthebiblebetter #biblestudy #transformation #transformed #lovedbygod #chosenbygod #holyspiritpower #forgivenbygod #godforgives #focusedonJesus #loveGodloveneighbor #LoriRoeleveld #GracefulInfluence #thanksgiving #givethanks


  1. Marilyn Nutter on November 21, 2024 at 5:32 AM

    Only one thing matters- that Jesus knows I adore Him-such a powerful statement to ponder.

    • CathyChung on November 24, 2024 at 12:09 PM

      That’s a sticky statement for sure. Happy Thanksgiving Marilyn! I just gave more of your Hope for Widows and Destination books away.

  2. Barbara Latta on November 22, 2024 at 8:13 AM

    Taking thought of how Jesus impacts my life. What a great thought to have each day! Happy Thanksgiving, Cathy!

    • CathyChung on November 24, 2024 at 12:11 PM

      Every single day, but do we take stock??? Happy Thanksgiving Barbara! Thank you for commenting. Good to hear from you.

  3. Nancy J Smith on November 22, 2024 at 4:15 PM

    Well done! I wasn’t expecting the story of Jesus’ annointing. As we prepare for our grand banquet of the year may we remember to Whom we owe so much thanks. We are so blessed in this country. Happy Thanksgiving.

    • CathyChung on November 24, 2024 at 12:12 PM

      As we remember our blessings, may we remember Him from whom all blessings flow. Happy Thanksgiving Nancy!

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