Double Dipping

Psalm 91:1-4 (NLT)
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find
rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  This
I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my
God and I trust Him.  He will rescue you
from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.  He will cover you with His feathers.  He will shelter you with His wings.  His faithful promises are your armor and
God has done it again.  With our confirmation retreat this
Friday/Saturday, I’ve been asking Him to give me some fresh God-incidences to
share.  The purpose of my retreat devotion
is to demonstrate how God is actively at work in our lives when we open our
eyes to see it.  I have past examples to
share (like how this blog came to be), but I’ve been asking for a fresh example.
Yesterday, a friend asked me to pray
for her – to seek a message from God on her behalf – which I did.  When I checked my email this morning, as I do
every day, the first one was a Scripture from about allowing
the Holy Spirit to fill you with peace, patience, joy, kindness, and
self-control.  I zipped off an email to
my friend saying ‘Trust HIM and be at peace.’ 
While I was writing, a weekly email arrived to my inbox
which examines the meaning of a Greek or Hebrew word in Scripture.  This week’s word is ‘hasah’ which means
TRUSTING GOD.  At this point, my God
antennae go up.  This is not simply me counseling
my friend.
God continued to speak to me through
5 consecutive emails including specific details and encouragement for her
personal circumstances.  The third email
was From Survival to Revival.  The fourth referred to an author we both love
and her book called You’re Going to be OK.  The very next gave details about my friend’s
specific situation with the reassurance that God will never leave you.  Five messages in a row without interruption.  I’d say that was God.
I double dipped.  God answered my two prayers in one
experience.  By the way, we’ve got a pretty
high tech God who uses email to communicate. 
What method is God using to work in your life?

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