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Eastertide: Celebrating Life After Resurrection
By CathyChung | | Making it Practical
Did you know Easter is more than one day of candy, church, and great food? The Easter season celebrates the resurrection for 50 days. It’s a party! Come join!
Lent: Why Did Jesus Ride a Donkey?
By CathyChung | | Making it Practical | 2 Comments
Jesus teaches the upside-down nature of His Kingdom’s peace and demonstrates His peace as King by riding a donkey. What is this counter-cultural peace?
Lent: Learning from Paul’s Prison Wilderness
By CathyChung | | Making it Practical
We all face challenges in life, wilderness experiences. Let’s learn from the way the Apostle Paul handles his 2-year prison wilderness.
Lent: The Only Way Out is Through
By CathyChung | | Making it Practical, Who is He?
We like shortcuts to the finish line, ways to make the journey easier. The devil offers Jesus a shortcut that avoids the pain and suffering. Jesus’ response?
Lent: Even Satan Can Quote Scripture
By CathyChung | | He Knows You, Making it Practical | 6 Comments
When Satan quotes scripture to accuse or tempt, his voice can sound a lot like God’s. How can we tell the lie from the truth?
Lent: Why Jesus was Tested in the Wilderness
By CathyChung | | Ah-Ha!, He Knows You | 3 Comments
Jesus is baptized and immediately thrown into the wilderness for a test. Why? What are the test questions? How does Jesus respond? Why does He want us to know?