Another Final Lesson

19:41-42, 44 (MSG)
the city came into view, He wept over it. 
“If you had only recognized this day, and everything that was good for
you!  But now it’s too late…. because you
didn’t recognize and welcome God’s personal visit.”
Matthew recounts another parable
Jesus told in His final days – another critical, last minute lesson.  Remember, Jesus was at the end of His
ministry and didn’t have time to sugarcoat His message.
It was a story about a King’s wedding reception
for His Son.  Yes, capital K and capital
S.  The customary save the date notices
had been sent, then messengers spread the word that the banquet was ready.  “But [those invited] paid no attention and
went off – one to his field, another to his business.”  Others abused and killed the messengers.  The King decided those who were too
preoccupied with their day-to-day lives to celebrate with Him didn’t deserve
the festivities.  The King killed
them.  Ouch!
Because He had a wonderful party prepared,
the King sent new messengers to gather up anyone and everyone they could
find.  As was the custom, the King
provided party clothes to all the guests because many, especially in this
situation, couldn’t dress appropriately on their own.  The ballroom was packed with all sorts of
But the King noticed a man in street clothes
who apparently had refused to change. 
The Host, who had freely offered the appropriate attire, was
insulted.  The man was speechless when
asked “Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?”  The King threw him out and ordered severe
punishment.  Ouch again!
What’s the take-away message?
God offers an undeserved invitation to
undeserving people- anyone and everyone. 
In addition, He freely, graciously provides the righteousness required
to stand in His presence by forgiving our sins. 
Some of us are too busy.  Others
are too stubborn to change our ways.  God doesn’t appear to be
particularly understanding of our excuses.
Today’s scripture tells us Jesus wept about
the choices His people made.  Consider reading the story again. You have
been invited!  How have you RSVP’d?
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