Will You Miss It?

Luke 2:17-19(NLT) After seeing Him, the shepherds told
everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this
child.  All who heard the shepherds’
story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought
about them often. 
I wonder how much hope the Jews had
They’d been waiting for a Messiah for
centuries and had good reason to give up hope. 
Over and over their enemies had conquered, beaten, taxed and sometimes
displaced them – Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria. 
At the time of Jesus’ birth, their lives were miserable under the brutal
control of Rome.  Was their God really the
One True God?  Would He keep His
promise?  Was there still hope?
Mary knew the prophetic scriptures.  Her hope was restored with Gabriel’s message
that she would birth the long awaited King. 
Joseph’s dream affirmed the name Jesus, which means God saves.  Elizabeth’s greeting confirmed Mary’s special
baby.  The shepherd’s gave her added
assurance as they recounted the chorus of angels announcing Jesus’ birth.  She treasured these things in her heart.  She had hope.
How many in Bethlehem believed the
story Mary and Joseph told?  All Jews
recited the scriptural prophesies, but how many truly expected it to happen?  Who do you think believed the lowly
shepherds’ tale?  How many missed the big
Will you miss it?
Jesus will come again and part of our
Christmas celebration is anticipating His arrival.  It’s been 2000+ years since He promised to
return.  Have you given up hope?  Will you miss the big event?  While
You Were Sleeping
by Casting Crowns always makes me wonder.  https://youtube.com/watch?v=xm1F7ub00gk
Will you miss Jesus’ arrival? (tweet this)
Check out Countdown to Cambodia posts
#1 and #2 regarding my upcoming mission trip. 
You can help the efforts to prevent sex trafficking and care for girls
who escape.  I’m gathering first aid
items, school supplies, multi-vitamins, and hygiene products.  I am also collecting your words of encouragement
for the missionaries in country.  Contact
me for more details. 
 #Advent #Jesus #secondcoming

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