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Jesus told them, “Tonight all of you will desert me. For the
Scriptures say, ‘God will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will
be scattered.’”
Matthew 26:31 (NLT)
It was an intimate meal – Jesus with
his closest friends and dearest enemies.
The disciples were probably confused.  Four days ago Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem
as the Savior King, but He’d hardly mentioned the Romans all week.  Though surrounded by crowds, Jesus hadn’t
rallied an army or gathered weapons to stage a revolt.
Instead, Jesus had openly criticized
the Temple leaders and Jerusalem was buzzing with arrest rumors. This Passover
meal may have been a welcome break from the crowds and tension.  It may have felt normal.
This meal, which has become our Holy
Communion, was anything but normal.
Jesus knew Judas had already betrayed
Him. According to scholars, Judas sat next to Jesus so they shared a dipping
cup. Jesus looked into the eyes of His betrayer as He tenderly wet and wiped
his feet. Later, in the garden, Jesus would call Judas ‘friend’.
Jesus knew that in spite of Peter’s
enthusiastic pledge
of loyalty, he would vehemently deny even knowing Him.  Yet Jesus is patient when Peter doesn’t
understand His example of servanthood in the foot washing and pre-forgives his
denial saying
“so when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”
Jesus knew every one of them would
run and hide, so He prayed
that the Father would protect them.
Jesus saw beyond the betrayal, the
denial and the fear and loved them.
No matter what you have done or will
do, Jesus tenderly and patiently encourages you to turn to Him. He sees beyond
your weakness and welcomes you home.
These Holy Week articles would be perfect to repost on
Facebook or Twitter or to forward through email.  Scatter seeds as the world recognizes Good
Friday and Easter.
#HolyWeek #Easter #MaundyThursday #TheLastSupper

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