Slow, But Steady

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT) Let us strip off every weight that
slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God
has set before us.  We do this by keeping
our eyes on Jesus.

There’s an older gentleman who lives
in my neighborhood.  He can hardly walk,
but I see him out every day doing his thing – shuffle, shuffle… advance the
walker.  He’s like Aesop’s slow, but
steady, tortoise.  He claims he’ll die if
he stops walking.  Today he shuffled
nearly a mile to CVS and home again.
His perseverance inspires me.
If he can persevere, then so can
I.  Strip off anything that slows me down
and focus on Jesus.  Especially when my
depression encourages me to stay in bed, I must let Him lead me out of the
darkness.  I must listen and obey the
voice of God in my soul.  I must act on
His guidance.
I spent some time outside today and accepted
an offer to walk in the woods later this week. 
I joined the gym I’ve been contemplating.  I took a few steps toward the light.  Slow but steady.
What race has God set before you?  What challenges thwart or distract you?  Do you need to refocus on the goal?
How do you keep your eyes on Jesus? (tweet this)
Like a productive garden, a rich
relationship should be tended regularly. 
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#depression #throughthestorm #focusonJesus #runwithrace

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