Pray These 5 Words Daily
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Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
My body relaxes even before I think the words. Simply anticipating them, my shoulders fall, my torso tilts forward and my head dips in reverence. All tension falls away as I turn the eyes of my heart toward Jesus and pray these 5 words:
Jesus, I belong to you.
True confession: I fell away from the habit of daily devotions and intentional prayer during seminary. Ironically, they warned us this could happen. Deep Scripture study isn’t the same as spending time with God.
Oh, I was praying constantly, thanking Him for ah-ha learning moments, for loving and guiding me and interceding for friends. I constantly shot quick prayers out to God and sometimes heard His whispers. But, there’s nothing like setting aside a quiet time to stop doing, stop talking, be still and take our place at His feet.
Realizing I’d lost this close personal relationship, I’ve been trying something different. I listen to a daily devotion from The Seedbed. Don’t you love the name? It opens with these 5 words and focuses our hearts and minds on the One who gives us breath, the One who guides our steps, the One we serve. These 5 words are powerful praise.
Jesus, I belong to you.
It’s daily consecration. That’s a big churchy word that means dedicated or set aside for God. I set aside my time for God. I dedicate my life to Him.
Let’s repeat the prayer, emphasizing and reflecting on each word.
JESUS, I belong to you.
Jesus front and center, first and foremost. Jesus, the Almighty God who left glory, experienced our lives firsthand and gave himself sacrificially so we could experience His glory. Jesus…
Jesus, I belong to you.
All that I am, every part of my life is yours, time and talent, words and actions, power and influence. My identity is shaped in Jesus.
Jesus, I BELONG to you.
God created humans for relationship. He knows my innate need to belong and gathers me in. I belong because He is my Lord. I belong to His family as a daughter. I am part of His body, the church.
Jesus, I belong TO you.
TO connects us. I attach myself to Jesus as Lord.
Jesus, I belong to YOU.
It’s all about you, Jesus. I am not my own. I don’t move through this day alone. I am yours. I set myself aside for you.
These 5 words bring me close to Jesus. I remember my place and purpose in this world and my participation in building His Kingdom. I gain perspective, humility, and peace. I know His love deep within me.
How has today’s prayer of consecration impacted you?
Click these links: It seems I’ve always had difficulty being still and even people living in the 3rd century struggled to remain devoted to God.
#SeedsofScripture #setapart #bestillandknowthatiamgod #ibelongtojesus #quiettimewithGod
Thank you Cathy! This speaks directly to us all. Thank you for sharing your gifts and reminding us who we belong to .
God reminded me through the Seedbed Daily Wake-Up Call. It was so impactful I had to share with you. It really has changed my perspective each day.
I love how you chose to break this phrase down, bringing each word to life Ms. Cathy. Not much for them “big churchy words”, but sure did enjoy your plainspeak about what it means to belong to God. I too want to make time each to surrender to Him through this heartfelt praise. God’s blessings ma’am.
I can’t take credit for that J.D. My daily devotions include listening to The Wake-Up Call by I totally stole the practice from JD Walt because it properly orients me before my Lord each day.
Thank you Cathy. Those are comforting words of truth.
Glad to hear from you Marilyn! They are comforting words. We aren’t alone. We don’t carry the burden alone.