Perfect Peace



You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all
whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)
Did you have a moment or two of
perfect peace this summer? Calm in your soul free from worry or anger?
How do we find those moments during
the start of another school year, new activities, and full schedules?
Perfect peace seems a distant
memory, but God will deliver perfect peace when we trust in Him.
Did Isaiah have the same kind of
worries and problems as we do? No, but he lived in Jerusalem during a period
when the Assyrian empire was expanding and Israel was in decline. Suffering. War.
Confusion for the chosen people. And the Assyrians were particularly brutal
enemies. So, while Isaiah didn’t have to get kids to soccer practice on time,
he was well acquainted with fear, worry, and loss.
Even in the midst of war, Isaiah
claims perfect peace comes from trusting God and fixing your thoughts on Him.
Does that work?
How can I learn to trust and fix so
well I feel His peace?
I’ll be leading a discussion group
this fall that will help participants take steps toward learning how not to
fear, not to worry, not to doubt – those statements by Jesus that seem so
impossible we don’t even try. We’ll follow a sermon series by Andy Stanley
online at Join me beginning Sept 16th.
When you fix your eyes on God, can you see past your current
Do you trust God to bring you to the other side?
#seedsofscripture #peace


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on September 2, 2015 at 10:27 AM

    Amen. Be still and KNOW that I am God…this verse calms me. When I begin to meditate on the attributes of my loving Father I find that perfect peace. Thank you for sharing

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