Making Changes

3:2 (NLT) Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is
Lent is a time self reflection and repentance.  We open our lives before God – our habits,
our priorities, our relationships, how we spend our time.  What are we doing that needs to change?  Jesus died on the cross so we could be
forgiven.  But we must repent.
That word. 
Repent.  What does it mean?
Through years of Bible study I have come to understand
repentance as turning 180 degrees away from something wrong and moving in the
other direction, specifically, toward God. 
Repentance is actively moving toward change.
I connect with this description by Lori
, author and blogger, who recently summarized from the original Greek:  “Repent does not mean – ‘be sorry.’  Repent does not mean – ‘feel really, really,
bad.’  Repent
means to change, to be changed, to think differently after, to turn and act in
a different way
Consider your behavior, thoughts, spending, attitudes – your
everyday life.  For one entire day, be alert
to the fact that Jesus is with you
always.  Yes, always.  That’s His promise.  If you feel at all uncomfortable about Him
accompanying you through your day, something needs to change.  Don’t feel badly because He already forgives
you.  Just repent and turn toward
Him.  Think and act differently.  Be changed.
Like a productive garden, a rich
relationship should be tended regularly. 
To be reminded to plant His Word in your heart, follow me on Twitter
@Cathy_Chung or subscribe at
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#Lent #fasting #repentance @LoriRoeleveld

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