It’s Alive!

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper
than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between
joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.


think about the longevity of the Bible. 
Most of the Old Testament, of course, is the Jewish scripture that was
in use long before Jesus’ birth and continues to be the foundation of the
Jewish faith.  The New Testament was
written and compiled in the first century. 
It’s important to remember that it was written while eye witnesses were
still alive who could have refuted the content, but didn’t.  Though debated and studied, it’s Truth has
held for more than 2000 years.




But the
Bible is not just a historical document. 
It’s alive and relevant!  I find
that a familiar verse or story can reveal different insight as my life (or even
my mood) changes. When I read Scripture as more than information, God can use
it to send me a personal message.  When I
allow Scripture to expose my innermost thoughts and desires, it has the power
to transform me.  Sometimes He brings me
encouragement or comfort.  Sometimes
Scripture helps me identify with a person or situation.  Sometimes it cuts right to the quick and




Do you read
Scripture for information?  Or do you
allow it to be relevant and powerful in your life?


  1. Jeanne Doyon on October 28, 2013 at 1:26 PM

    The Word is definitely alive and speaks to my life today. Someone once shared with me that the Sword of Truth is double edged because it cuts on the way in and brings healing as it is withdrawn. When His word speaks to our hearts it brings wholeness and healing at the same time it penetrates the places that need change.

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