In Sync

Psalm 143:8 (NLT)
Let me hear of your unfailing love each
morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me
where to walk, for I give myself to you.
How?  How do we trust God to direct our path?  How does this trust actually work in
day-to-day life?
trust increases as I feel more connected to Him.  When I pay attention to my relationship with
God, I see His hand in my life which results in increasing certainty that He is
directing me.  Staying tuned in to God
through prayer and scripture gives me an opportunity to hear a small voice in
the form of a fleeting thought.  When I
follow through on the thought, not always, but sometimes I see why God put the
thought in my head and realize that God used me for His purpose.  The thrill of being used by God makes me more
apt to follow the next small voice I hear. 
And so trust increases. When I nurture my relationship, I feel in sync
with Him and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Did you
notice the first small bit of trust starts when I make myself available to God
through prayer and scripture? 
Intentional.  God-centered.  Connected. 
Life gets busy and this doesn’t always happen.  But when it does my life is richer.
Make no
mistake, He is guiding you – or trying to. 
It is up to you to have eyes to see and ears to hear which way He wants
you to go.  Be intentional in centering
your life around God.

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