I’m Back!

Galatians 5:16 (NLT) So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide
your lives.
Did you hear it?  Did you feel it?
The whisper.
I did.  Some of you did too.  One friend told me she oddly woke up one
morning praying for me, not knowing why. 
After reading Seeds of Scripture she felt a voice telling her to reach
out.  She and I rarely see each other now
that our boys are in college, so she thought “Why not?”
As I read her invitation to walk, I
felt a voice say “You should go”.  My
mood said “no”, the murky weather said “no”, but the voice urged me to say “yes”.  Before I could change my mind I was out the
God whispered several times this week,
guiding me out of my darkness.  Because I
chose to comply even when I didn’t want to, I am feeling much lighter.  Thanks for all your prayers, hugs and words
of encouragement.
You may wonder about these
whispers.  For me, God’s voice is
something between a gut feeling and words in my mind.  It’s a voice I can feel rather than one I
actually hear.  Does that make sense?  And, because I am stubborn, it usually repeats
itself persistently and often from multiple sources – a conversation, an
article, a song, a circumstance or a sermon.
I’ve learned to recognize the way
God speaks to me.  It may be different for
you.  He’ll speak in a way you can best hear
Him.  As with any relationship, it takes
time to get to know one another.  We
could all benefit from following His guidance.
God is still speaking.  Can you hear Him? (tweet this)
Like a productive garden, a rich
relationship should be tended regularly. 
Get a reminder to plant His Word in your heart:  Follow me on Twitter
@Cathy_Chung or subscribe at
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#depression #Godisstillspeaking #Hisvoice #whisper

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