He’s Coming!

Hebrews 9:28 (NLT) He will come again… to bring salvation to
all who are eagerly waiting for Him. 
Advent is all about anticipating the
big day.  Don’t we know it!  We decorate inside and out, select and wrap
gifts, mail cheerful photo greetings, bake once-a-year goodies, and gather with
friends and family – all preparing for the big day! 
What do we actually celebrate on
Another trick question?  Of course we celebrate the baby’s birth – Christ’s
arrival!  A few days ago we learned that
the very definition of advent is the arrival of someone important.
Yes, yes.  We celebrate the birth of Jesus, but there’s more.
We also celebrate His promise to
come again.  Just as the enslaved
Israelites in Egypt cried for deliverance, just as those under oppressive Roman
rule yearned for a savior King, we live amid injustice, inequality, and sin and
ask “Where are you God?”  Hold on to hope.  Jesus promised to return to rule with truth
and justice.
Are you ready for Christ’s arrival?  What does being ready look like – beautiful
decorations or a beautiful heart?  What
preparations need doing before Jesus comes?
Prepare your heart and life for
Christ’s arrival. (tweet this)
Check out Countdown
to Cambodia
posts regarding my upcoming mission trip.  You can help the efforts to prevent sex
trafficking and care for girls who escape. 
I’m gathering first aid items, hygiene products and multi-vitamins.  I am also collecting your words of
encouragement to the missionaries in country. 
Contact me for more information. 
 #Advent #Jesus #secondcoming

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