Good News at a Funeral

I became a servant of this gospel
by the gift of God’s grace.
3:7 (NLT)
The preacher called her selfish.
Jolayne requested a Biblical funeral. No life story. No funny anecdotes. Just the preacher’s godly words which seems the opposite of selfish.
But it was. Jolayne selfishly wanted every person attending her funeral to be with her in eternity.
She knew that some of the mourners didn’t know God, while others had lost sight of Him. Even strong believers needed reassurance of God’s promised hope. Jolayne had a captive audience. This was her last ditch effort, if you
will, to save the world.
So the minister preached the Gospel. He told of God’s personal love. He shared the Good News that Jesus walked this earth and died so that we might join all
believers in God’s presence for eternity. He encouraged us to seek Him and to
find comfort in His promises. In our grief, God (and Jolayne) gave us hope.
It was the most beautiful service ever.
It was so moving that I request that the Gospel be passionately preached at my
I sure hope you find Jesus and know the joy of life with Him before I die. I hope
everyone will already be filled with His amazing Spirit. But in case I miss
someone, I want them to hear that God knows their name, their sorrows and joys, their dreams and fears, and that He cares deeply. I want you all to celebrate
the certainty of our eternal reunion.
So please don’t wait until then. We can share the fullness of life we have through
Jesus right now and for many years to come, God willing. Praise God! Amen!
Have you heard any memorable funeral messages?


  1. Wendy Kohman on January 19, 2016 at 10:54 PM

    A glorious ending, no, more like a glorious beginning for Jolayne and anyone else who would follow in her footsteps. I have a friend who died of a brain tumor in her late 40's. Because she knew it was coming she was able to make a video so she could share the gospel at her own memorial service!

  2. CathyChung on January 21, 2016 at 1:17 AM

    WOW, Wendy! What a touching story! I'm sure it was moving and touched hearts for God.

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