First Things First


Teacher, which is the greatest
commandment in the Law?

Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the
first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor
as yourself.’”

22:36-39 (NLT)

are the characteristics of the best person you know?


ahead – create a mental list.


My list included qualities like kind, thoughtful, honest, generous, and encouraging.
Yes? What other wonderful attributes did you include?


has bad days, but most of the time we strive to be this Best Person. We’re a
caring bunch. We are good neighbors.


God pleased that we’re good people? Is that what He wants?


And no.


asked to rank God’s commandments, Jesus says the most important thing is to
love God. Love God first. Love God with all.
Loving God is our greatest endeavor.


‘loves God’ make your list of Best Person attributes? Not mine. While serving
God was the underlying motivation of my Best Person, loving Him wasn’t required.


Best Person without love for God is like a coffee cup that is clean on the
outside for all to see, but stained on the inside.


hearts matter more than our good deeds.


not to say loving others isn’t important. Jesus ranks it as the second most
important commandment after loving God.


we strive to become our Best Person, are our priorities in line with Jesus’
ranking? Are we thanking, praising, and loving God as we ought?


Let’s hang out with God as much as with
those we serve. (tweet this)


#SeedsOfScripture #lovingGod

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