Christmas Isn’t Ever Done – God Is Still With Us

Look! The virgin will conceive a
child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which
means ’God is with us.’

1:23 (NLT)

Christmas is in the rearview mirror.


The tree has been hauled away and
the decorations packed in boxes. Returns have been made and gifts are being
enjoyed. December bedlam has settled into winter calm. We can breathe again and


But Christmas isn’t over.
celebrates the birth of Emmanuel. It’s the beginning
of God with us. That never ends. Jesus entered our world to live among us.
Christmas, Emmanuel, God with us, is never over.


Sunday school lessons teach that
Jesus lives in our hearts. That’s a beautifully simple way to explain how the
Holy Spirit lives in us. Jesus was physically God with us. The Holy Spirit is
the way He is with us now.


God’s presence with us should transform
our lives.


We should see the people as God sees

We should approach situations with Jesus’
kind of love.

We should have peace instead of
anxiety by trusting God’s divine plan.

We should shed fear and act boldly in
following God’s direction.

We should.

But does His presence change our

is over, but Jesus is still with us. Are we with Him? (tweet this)


The first step to transformation is spending
time in His presence. He listens when we pray. He speaks to us through
scripture. He is available and waiting for us to make time for Him.

does having Jesus in your heart impact your everyday life?

#SeedsofScripture #transformation
#Godwithus #Emmanuel

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