Cambodia – Don’t Do It Alone


Don’t try it alone.

Steph and I were tourists these past few days in Siem Reap, home to Angkor Wat and many other ancient temples.  We awoke early to photograph the sunrise over the temple, after which we explored the temple grounds on our own.  We looked at the many buildings and intricate carvings.  While beautiful and interesting, there was little meaning.

Then we observed a guide shine a flashlight on a particular carving and retell the story represented.  We needed one of those!  So we retraced our steps to the entrance to hire a guide.  What a difference!  He explained country and temple history, Buddhist and Hindu symbolism, and highlighted interesting facts we would never have discovered alone (like the damage to the pillars caused by bat droppings).  It was worth every step we retraced and every dollar invested.

This experience illustrates what it’s like to read scripture on your own.  We all need a guide to explain historical context and symbolism, to answer questions, and explain interesting verses. We need the resources available to us.  This might look like a Bible study class, study reference tools or an online devotion.  It might be one-on-one or in a small group.  Seek it out.  The investment pays out richness.

Are you connected with a spiritual guide?

#cambodia #seedsofscripture #biblestudy

Read related trip posts:
Blastoff to Cambodia – The Never Ending New Year 
God is in Control – How I Almost Missed My Flight
Don’t Do It Alone – How a Guide Can Help
Sister Visit – Visting The Woman I Sponsor
They’re Not Just Stories – A Prison Visit
The Goal – A Toilet in Every Hut, You Can Help
A Day With Survivors of Trafficking and Rape
Renewing the Spirit – The Missionaries Worship
Encouraging the Missionaries and Each Other
A Success Story – One Girl at a Time
Sowing Seeds of Kindness – Devotions with Survivors
Living Intentionally – Defining Yourself
Who Are They? – A Report About the Men Who Buy Sex
Who Are They? – The Missionaries
Part of the Problem – A Corrupt and Unjust System
Rebuilding After Loss – Recovering from Flood Damage

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