Cambodia – The Corruption


A monument to the King
Proverbs 28:15-16 (NLT) A wicked ruler
is as dangerous to the poor as a roaring lion or an attacking bear.  A ruler with no understanding will oppress
his people, but one who hates corruption will have a long life.
every missionary described the most difficult part of their job as dealing with
corrupt government officials.  The
culture of bribery is so prevalent that Cambodians don’t even sense it’s
wrong.  It’s just the way things work.  The most vulnerable people suffer most
because they can’t afford the bribes required to move forward with construction
permits or access to the public classroom.
workers demand bribes before signing transfer papers required to move girls
from short term to long term aftercare facilities.  These are the very officials whose job it is
to serve the victims.
The King’s riverfront viewing station – Photo Steph Chung

Ministry of Education is required by law to provide education for all children.
However, they suggest World Hope build a new office for the principal in
exchange for a much needed teacher in rural Kampong Cham, denying the poorest
children a proper education.

checkpoints stop vehicles at will, demanding paperwork that no one carries.  Pay the bribe or get a ticket.
a result of a high profile trafficking case involving a government official, a
new law prohibits hidden camera evidence in court, thereby tying the hands of
investigators trying to break up trafficking rings.  In addition, prostitution and trafficking
have moved from brothels to the back room of legitimate businesses like massage
parlors, beer gardens (bars), and karaoke clubs.
Home to a family within sight of the King’s viewing station


NGOs are responding.  Love146, an
anti-trafficking organization, has left Cambodia.  We were told UNICEF has also pulled out, although
their website still shows activity in Cambodia. 
The International Justice Mission has changed their focus from
trafficking to rape, which is prevalent and often an on-ramp to trafficking.  (6 rapes were reported in one of the
provinces in the first 2 weeks of 2015)
is hope. 
recent elections, young people protested publicly and the opposition party
would have won had the election not been fixed. 
These young voters are the first generation who didn’t experience the
oppression of the Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese occupation which both bred fear of
A riverfront home garden for a boat family within sight of the Palace

recently, the Chbap Srey rules of
conduct for women were removed from the school curriculum.  These rules place women in complete
submission to their husbands, no matter how the husbands treat them.  Even though the rules are outdated, change is
slow.  One staff member told of her 34
year old daughter who has separated from her husband who demands she follow these
rules of conduct.

we celebrate MLK Day in the US, please pray for change in Cambodia.

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