Be Wise
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Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)
I could give many good reasons to read the Bible, but this scripture explains the logic in two short sentences. First, understand that fear of the Lord doesn’t mean being afraid. We can almost substitute awe for fear.
Awe of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
Remember that God is the Creator and designer of all the immense and intricate beauty surrounding us. His creation reveals His character. Do you see majesty in a snow tipped mountain range? Power in the rush of a waterfall? Glory in a sunrise? Can you see His love in the details of a butterfly?
This Proverb says standing in awe of this unimaginably awesome God is the foundation of wisdom. Why? Because this God knows your name. Your name. He loves you. In fact, He has a specific plan for you to be in His presence, in relationship with Him forever. How do we respond? By falling in love and getting to know Him. God reveals Himself to us in the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, God is telling us about Himself. Through Scripture and communicating in prayer we get to know God. Not head knowledge – heart knowledge.
So true, but the challenge for us as humans (and thus, sinners, by nature) is our human brains, leading us to act and respond in this secular world. We are inundated on so many levels by what is perceived to be normal and good, especially in comparison with all the negative influences we are also inundated with. So we act and respond in accordingly. If we can make a practice of reading scripture, and being open to hearing God's Word. Then, we can realize that His Word is trully a blueprint for our lives, and it becomes organic to respond with good judgment.