
Spreading Good News: From Dusty Feet to Social Media

good news

News spreads so fast – good, bad, true and untrue. What if we intentionally spread the good news that brings hope and love?

Mama Bear’s Power: Persistent Prayer

Mama Bear protects cub

Concerned about your kids’ faith? Are you fighting for it like a Mama Bear or hibernating with hopeful dreams like me. Read how the Apostle Paul aroused my fighting spirit.

When Receiving is Better than Giving

Better to give than receive

God comes through in his own time. My experience in writing this post proved it. Wait patiently for the Lord and he will deliver.

A Fully Human Jesus: Why is it Important?

Fully Human Jesus

Was Jesus fully human? Was he perfect? Divinely protected from sin? Does it matter? So many questions! Let’s explore Jesus’ humanity and its implications.

The Name Above All Names: Jesus is God

Jesus is God

Wait, what? Jesus is both God and God’s son? How do we know? Explore the scriptures with me on the blog to learn why we know Jesus is God.

Pulled from the Pit by the Power of God’s Promises

God has power

Abraham’s strong faith while waiting for the promised child helped me trust God during tragic grief. He believed in God’s power to bring life from a dead womb.

Shed Your Shame: Embrace God’s Redeeming Love

feed my sheep

Have you felt unworthy of God’s love? Has your faith failed and caused shame? Jesus & Peter discuss his denials and future. Redeemed. Reinstated. Renamed.

Humble but Bold: 2 Personal Lessons from God

trust the Lord

In consecutive weeks, God provided two personal messages from the same biblical story in John 21. God taught humility one time and boldness the next.

Learn a Bible Study method: Journey into a Post-Resurrection Story in John 21

Bible Study Method

Bring life to your scripture reading with this Bible study method. Let’s explore a story together and see what we discover?

Lesson from Dad: Loving Hard to Love People

hard to love

We all know someone who is hard to love. We avoid them. We hang on to bitterness. Dad taught me that the time is now to extend God’s mercy and compassion.

Spend a few minutes to plant a quick Seed. Or stay longer and plant a whole garden.

Each post is a brief scriptural thought that will grow as you let it take root in your thoughts.  If you have time, dig into one area of interest and plant a whole garden.
Each post is a brief scriptural thought that will grow as you let it take root in your thoughts. If you have time, dig into one area of interest and plant a whole garden.

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