Countdown to Cambodia #2

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT) So encourage each other and build
each other up, just as you are already doing. 
What will you be doing?
It’s the most frequently asked
question about our mission trip to Cambodia and the answer isn’t clear.  This trip differs from a hurricane cleanup or
a Habitat building project where participants come away having accomplished
something concrete. 
Really, what can we do in two weeks
to impact the sex trafficking problem?
We can love each girl we meet.
We can encourage the missionaries who face the problem every day. 
These men and women have left the
comforts and conveniences of life in a developed country.  They have answered God’s call to fight human
trafficking and care for the victims.  They
look evil in the eye.  They are the
heroes.  Donna, Steph and I just show up,
listen to stories, share the experience, support their efforts and give them a
great big physical hug.  We also share their
stories with you in the hope that you will join the effort.
Some of our specific activities will
include an update about current trafficking issues, changes since our last
visit and progress in the battle.  We’ll
spend time with girls between the ages of 12-19 who are trying to transform
their lives and visit businesses selling survivor made products and restaurants
run by ‘graduates’.  I anticipate a spa
day at Tropical Oasis, a training ground where girls learn hair and nail
care.  We’ll stay in at a new guest house
with a larger vision to employ young Cambodian people and contribute 40% of
profit back to Christian NGOs supporting at-risk women and children.
You can be encouragers too.  We are assembling your messages to the missionaries as a
gift of encouraging words.  We invite you
to write a note that might serve as a virtual hug.  Thank them for lives transformed and their life
of service.  Remind them of God’s presence.  Promise your prayers.  Write your message as a comment on this post
or email me.
How would you encourage a full-time missionary?  (tweet this)
#Cambodia #missionaries #humantrafficking #WorldHope

Read the next trip installment – Countdown #3

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