Countdown to Cambodia #3 – Collecting Items


 2 Corinthians 9:1-3 (NLT) 
I really don’t need to write to you about this ministry of giving for
the believers in Jerusalem.  For I know
how eager you are to help, and I have been boasting to the churches… that you
were ready to send an offering a year ago… But I am sending these brothers to
be sure you really are ready, as I have been telling them, and that your money
is all collected.  I don’t want to be
wrong in my boasting about you.

It’s all about the planning….
My bags for Cambodia must be packed
by Dec 20th….
You have 8 days to contribute requested items (no pressure, of course)…
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty
with a list of items we are collecting to support the girls and missionaries in
Phnom Penh.
Notes of encouragement
and appreciation for the full-time missionaries.
Large jars of multi-vitamins – not gummys
A portable first aid kit
for a car
Cash for 3
large wall mount first aid kits – cost approx. $25-$35 each
Refill supplies for first aid kits:  assorted bandaids, small
hand sanitizer, individual alcohol wipes, gauze pads, instant ice packs, Neosporin,
Tylenol, Imodium, Ibuprophen, latex gloves, etc.
Dance/Exercise DVDs
to be used by missionaries for stress relief (these can be used).  If you have suggested DVDs you like, please
let me know.
Dance/Exercise DVDs
to be used by rescued girls – must not contain sexy moves (these can be used).  If you have suggestions that you know are
appropriate for ages 9-16, please let me know.
School supplies
– clear out your cabinets.  If your kids get
a new box of colored pencils, markers (please test that they work), and crayons
every year, I’m sure you have extras lying around.   Pencils, erasers, and coloring books too!
Hygiene products
– toothpaste and brushes, deodorant, bar soap
Drop items at my house or contact me
for an address for cash donations.
 #Cambodia #sextrafficking #donations

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