Countdown to Cambodia #4 – Flooding and Fire

Matthew 22:37-39 (NLT) Jesus replied, “You must love the
Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  This is the first and greatest
commandment.  A second is equally
important:  Love your neighbor as
I’ve been swept up in preparations
for Christmas and Cambodia.  It’s been a
little hectic staying organized, but mostly enjoyable.  Perhaps you’ve noticed my blog silence or
perhaps you’ve been swept up in your own Advent preparations.  My time with God hasn’t been quiet and still,
but I’ve found Him in the Christmas music.
While you and I have been singing
carols and attending lovely parties, Phnom Penh has been in crisis.  We knew of some flooding at WL, but had no details
until an email a few days ago from Sherry, the co-founder.  She told of a multi-day flood in which the
water was thigh high (let me just say this is not clean water).  Most of the damage was at the house where the
girls live on the upper level and receive training on the ground level.  Sherry said:
We need to replace the gates around
the house for security reasons — the weight and force of water damaged it and
puts us more at risk.  Our tuk-tuk (a motorcycle and wagon all-one frame)
has not run since the flood so we need to get it into a shop to be accessed and
repaired.   Inside the house, we are
still assessing the damage to sewing machines, desks, standing wardrobes,
whiteboards, cabinets, books, materials and shelves.  We do have a water
overflow system, but now we need to replace a pump and repair the float system
so it will again work properly.
the missionaries, residents, and staff were working tirelessly on cleanup and repairs,
we received the following news from Sherry:
Dear, dear friends, it’s almost too
much.  Our staff manager’s house burned
to the ground today at lunchtime. She was eating inside, heard someone yell
‘fire’, and went outside to see her house on fire. She and her daughter are
safe, but they lost everything physical. Of course we all went to help — when
she saw me, she melted into sobs.  Right
now any funds to give her basic things – clothing, phone, temporary housing,
etc. would be invaluable.
one-two punch must be so discouraging!  I’m glad our visit is only 2 weeks away! 
It’s no coincidence our trip is timed when they so desperately need hugs
and encouragement.  It’s a God-incidence.
of you have already helped by contributing supplies for World Hope and we are
truly grateful.  For WL, a Band-Aid isn’t
enough.  WL can best be helped with prayers
and funds for the needed repairs.  Tax
deductible contributions can be made to:
          Christian Faith Ministries
          PO Box 50538
          Denton, TX  76206
          (note WL Cambodia on your check)
I know it’s the last week before
Christmas, but I have a small amount of space left in my luggage for summer
weight clothing for the staff manager (size 6/8) or her daughter who is 8-10
years old.
Prayers for the missionaries, staff
and girls of WL are appreciated.  (tweet this)
#Advent #Jesus #giftgiving #Cambodia #sextrafficking

Read the next trip installment – Countdown #5 Reviewing History

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