Phew! It’s Over!

John 1:1-3,10,14 (NIV,NLT) In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. He
came into the very world He created, but the world didn’t recognize Him. So the Word became human and made His home among us.
Phew!  Christmas is over!  Are you breathing a sigh of relief?
You probably still have decorations to put away or boxes and wrapping paper to recycle, but certainly there is a little something inside that relaxes now that the big day is over.  So you are now more likely to truly marvel at the meaning of Christmas.  For me, the celebration of Jesus’ birth jump starts my awe and praise for the miracle of incarnation.
So relax.  Breathe.
And reread today’s scripture.
Does it sound familiar?
Jesus, who John mysteriously refers to as the Word, participated with God in creation.  In fact, this Word was not only with God, He is God. Jesus is God. The creator of all things came into the very world He created and became one of us.  Emmanuel – God with us. Is that crazy or what?
Jen Thorn at Love God Greatly writes:
The more we try to wrap our brains around it the more outrageous this becomes.  How can an infinite being confine himself in human flesh and bone?  How can one who is outside of time step in to time and live with those whom He created?
[Jesus] left perfection for a fallen world.  I don’t think we really understand the sacrifice in that since we have never experienced perfection.
We cannot walk away from our Christmas celebrations unmoved or unchanged.  Many of us have heard the Christmas passages seemingly hundreds of times. It is easy to talk about the awesomeness of Christ’s birth in public but in private it produces yawns of boredom.  Let’s fight against the apathy that clouds our hearts.
God is with us.  His gift is His presence, born from His immense love for us.  Don’t leave this gift unwrapped.  (tweet this)
#seedsofscripture #Christmas #Jesus #GodWithUs

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