It Blows My Mind


Luke 2:18,33,47; 8:25; 11:14 (NLT) All who heard the
shepherds’ story were astonished.  Jesus’
parents were amazed at what was being said about Him.  All who heard Him were amazed at His
understanding and His answers. The disciples were terrified and amazed “Who is
this man?”  The crowds were amazed. 
When were you last astonished?  What truly amazes you?  What blows your mind?
Jesus blew people’s minds.  Many strange things were happening that
seemed to fit together like pieces of a puzzle: 
the virgin Mary and Joseph both had angelic visitors, she became
pregnant as Gabriel predicted, her cousin Elizabeth’s baby connected eerily
with Mary’s unborn child, the shepherds saw a sky full of angels and found the
baby exactly as told, the wise men…. 
Yes, strange things were happening,
not to mention the many prophesies being fulfilled.  The pieces were coming together.  They were astonished even though they didn’t
yet understand.
Is the Christmas story still amazing?  Or does familiarity dim its shine?  Why are we so unmoved?
The God of all creation set aside His throne to enter our messy world within
the confines of a human body – even a vulnerable infant.  God came down to be with us.  He came for
us.  The incarnation blows my mind. (tweet this)
#Christmas #Jesus #GodWithUs #incarnation
details of my upcoming trip to support survivors of sex trafficking.  Read
posts #1,
and #4
#Cambodia #sextrafficking

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