Blastoff to Cambodia – The Never Ending New Year



We also pray that you will be
strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and
patience you need.  May you be filled
with joy. 
Colossian 1:11 (NLT)
Happy New Year (x12)!  I am experiencing the never ending start of 2015.  I depart NYC minutes after ringing in the New Year and fly north and west over Canada and Alaska.  I will welcome 2015 in 12 time zones and arrive in Siem Reap, Cambodia at 9am January 2 as you finish your daylong celebration.
Please pray with me:
·     That the school supplies headed for the Adelphe program in Kampong Cham would spark excitement for learning, helping women stay out of poverty which keeps their families together.
That the hygiene products and vitamins will tell every woman she is worthy of a healthy lifestyle.
That the first aid products for World Hope in Phnom Penh would bring the loving touch of God to every scraped knee.
That the clothes for Ry, the WL staff manager whose house burned down, would cover her with our love as she re-establishes some normalcy.
That the generous donations from the United Church of Christ, Medfield, and Amilia’s Light ( would provide much needed flood repairs, restoring a sense of safety and a means of transportation.
That the Frisbees would allow them to be children again.
That your encouraging notes would refresh the missionaries and remind them that their important work is making a difference.  (It’s not too late to send me a short note by email or Facebook .  What would you like to tell these missionaries?)
For our families as they hold down the fort at home.
·     Please pray that God would guide Donna, Steph, and me to do His work in supporting these programs that heal and transform lives of survivors of sex trafficking.  (tweet this)
#seedsofscripture #Cambodia #sextrafficking #recovery #prayer

Follow details of my trip preparations in posts #1, #2, #3 

Read related trip posts:
Blastoff to Cambodia – The Never Ending New Year 
God is in Control – How I Almost Missed My Flight
Don’t Do It Alone – How a Guide Can Help
Sister Visit – Visting The Woman I Sponsor
They’re Not Just Stories – A Prison Visit
The Goal – A Toilet in Every Hut, You Can Help
A Day With Survivors of Trafficking and Rape
Renewing the Spirit – The Missionaries Worship
Encouraging the Missionaries and Each Other
A Success Story – One Girl at a Time
Sowing Seeds of Kindness – Devotions with Survivors
Living Intentionally – Defining Yourself
Who Are They? – A Report About the Men Who Buy Sex
Who Are They? – The Missionaries
Part of the Problem – A Corrupt and Unjust System
Rebuilding After Loss – Recovering from Flood Damage

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