Cambodia – Tuol Sleng Prison


Barbed wire enclosure prevents suicide. Photo – Steph Chung  

Psalm 78:4 (NLT) We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about His power and His mighty wonders.

We had a moving tour of the Tuol Sleng
prison museum where 20,000 subjects were interrogated and tortured before being transported to the killing fields.  Every prisoner was killed with only 7 survived  when the Vietnamese liberated Cambodia.  Whole families were killed under the motto “if you’re going to kill the grass, you have to dig up the root”.

Ammo box serves as toilet.  Legs are shackled to bed frame. Photo – S. Chung

Our guide’s parents and grandparents are all survivors of the Khmer Rouge.  As residents of Phnom Penh, his family was evacuated to the country, suffering brutality and starvation.  Some were killed.  He’s heard stories about the suffering his whole life, but to him they are just stories.  It’s hard for the current generation to understand the reality of Pol Pot regime. The goal with the prison and the killing fields museums is to pass along an impact – not just a story.

Isn’t it true?  A story is just a story without the personal experience.  We are many generations removed from Jesus’ teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection.  We weren’t eye witnesses so it’s harder to feel the original excitement.  But the amazing thing is that we can experience Jesus personally.  He is alive through the Holy Spirit and His activity in our lives is more than just a story.

How can we convey the joy found in a relationship with Jesus?

#seedsofscripture #cambodia #prison #jesus

My photos are not posting properly from my iPad.  If you’d like to see more, follow Steph’s blog

Read related trip posts:
Blastoff to Cambodia – The Never Ending New Year 
God is in Control – How I Almost Missed My Flight
Don’t Do It Alone – How a Guide Can Help
Sister Visit – Visting The Woman I Sponsor
They’re Not Just Stories – A Prison Visit
The Goal – A Toilet in Every Hut, You Can Help
A Day With Survivors of Trafficking and Rape
Renewing the Spirit – The Missionaries Worship
Encouraging the Missionaries and Each Other
A Success Story – One Girl at a Time
Sowing Seeds of Kindness – Devotions with Survivors
Living Intentionally – Defining Yourself
Who Are They? – A Report About the Men Who Buy Sex
Who Are They? – The Missionaries
Part of the Problem – A Corrupt and Unjust System
Rebuilding After Loss – Recovering from Flood Damage

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