Cambodia – Toilets and Clean Water



Gutters collect rainwater –  photo Steph Chung

Genesis 21:19 (NLT) Then God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well full of water.  She quickly filled her water container and gave the boy a drink.

World Hope’s Adelphe community development program has begun relationships with five new villages even further into the countryside than my village visit.  It takes time to build trust in the village, in part because of bad experiences with other aid groups.  The four Adelphe staff are in the villages every day to assess their needs and concerns.

The goal is to form small cooperatives of women with similar interests who would support and encourage each other to improve their economic situation.  The women might raise animals or grow vegetables or make something they can sell.  World Hope will work with the cooperatives to teach business building skills and money management.  Working together will build friendships and spread the benefit over more families.

Another goal is to install water pumps in these communities.  Each pump would serve 5 families or approximately 50 people.  These pumps are costly because of the underlying rock and must go 50-60 meters deep.  Each pump costs $1400, but we all know that clean water can be a turning point in a community with regard to health and sanitation.


Cucumbers grow along the side of the house – Photo Steph Chung

One of Cambodia government’s goals is to get a toilet in every house and hut.  Yes, a toilet for everyone!  It’s not a toilet like you and I think of but a ‘squatty potty’.  (We try to find bathrooms with Western toilets, but squatty potties are prevalent)  It’s a wonderfully positive goal, but an overwhelming task since most homes in the provinces are single room shacks made of bamboo, galvanized steel and thatch.  Since there is no plumbing or electricity, they will be composting toilets or two-holers.  I didn’t ask the cost of a toilet, but it is a burden on families because the government plans to start fining those who don’t have one.


Interior ‘walls’ – Photo Steph Chung

I asked Sam, the Adelphe director, what would make his job easier.  Donors, sponsors, and funds to install a pump as a goodwill measure.  This would help establish trust in the community so the work can begin.   The link for the Adelphe program is  The page still describes individual sponsorship, however the focus is changing to cooperative group sponsorship.  If you would like to contribution toward a water pump, please be sure to say “Adelphe water pump” in the comment section of your donation.


#seedsofscripture #Cambodia #cleanwater #compostingtoilet #poor

For photos of our visit, please check Steph’s blog

Read related trip posts:
Blastoff to Cambodia – The Never Ending New Year 
God is in Control – How I Almost Missed My Flight
Don’t Do It Alone – How a Guide Can Help
Sister Visit – Visting The Woman I Sponsor
They’re Not Just Stories – A Prison Visit
The Goal – A Toilet in Every Hut, You Can Help
A Day With Survivors of Trafficking and Rape
Renewing the Spirit – The Missionaries Worship
Encouraging the Missionaries and Each Other
A Success Story – One Girl at a Time
Sowing Seeds of Kindness – Devotions with Survivors
Living Intentionally – Defining Yourself
Who Are They? – A Report About the Men Who Buy Sex
Who Are They? – The Missionaries
Part of the Problem – A Corrupt and Unjust System
Rebuilding After Loss – Recovering from Flood Damage

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