Cambodia – The Missionaries

Sherry Lile of WL, Cathy, Donna and Stephanie

 John 15:5 (NLT) “Yes,
I am the vine; you are the branches. 
Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.

love the missionaries.  Their passion
ignites more passion.
quite a network here with everyone working their niche.  Sherry from WL, and Esther from World Hope, introduced
us to many people doing God’s work.  Some
have been here less than 2 years, but most have lived in Cambodia on and off
for many years.  They come back.  They have a heart for the people of Cambodia
and their hearts are on fire for God. 
Some raise their own support while others work for NGOs that pay a
salary, but the work is the same.
a Filipino trained as a preschool teacher, has a heart for children.  She impacts many Cambodian children by
mentoring women who work with children. 
Catherine pastors them in spiritual formation because when you love
Jesus deeply, you love and serve others better too.  Her love and enthusiasm for God is infectious,
despite recent personal tragedy.  She
spoke this powerful idea:  many people
search for God’s will for their lives, when really, we should search for God
and in doing so, will know His will.
Esther Pastores from World Hope International

a Cambodian/Canadian with a master’s degree in social work, is Director at
Garden of Hope, a long term residential program focusing on exploited girls
ages 6-18 with emotional problemsShe shared her reluctant return to Phnom
Penh after a 2 year stint with Overseas Missionary Fellowship in Cambodia and
some time back home in Canada.  God kept
calling her back and while she obeyed reluctantly, she has grown both
personally and professionally in her leadership role.  Her biggest challenges are dealing with
corrupt government officials, working with the families of victims, and
learning to let go of work without having a close friend or spouse with whom to

(pronounced Yen) – a young, bubbly Chinese woman is a long term volunteer at
Garden of Hope.  She was recommended for
Cambodia after a few Campus Crusades for Christ stints in other countries.  Yan has a recent degree in social work, but
is teaching English at GoH while studying Khmer.  Donna and I had the privilege of praying over
her because she admitted being lonely and feeling a little depressed.
a Scot who is about 65, felt called to be a missionary as a teenager after
hearing one speak at her church.  She started
worshiping with a Chinese fellowship in Scotland and has done missionary work in
Asia her whole life.
Austrailian social worker has worked 3 years at She Rescue Home, a residence
for 24 girls ages 5-19, affiliated with Citipointe Church in Brisbane.  She’s in it for long haul.  Lacey lamented that gang rape is a rising
trend, perpetuated by easy access to violent pornography.  To avoid discouragement, Lacey has learned to
celebrate her small successes in bringing justice within Cambodia’s unjust
will return to the United States in March after 2 years as Field Director at
Hope for Justice.  Their program works
with up to 22 trafficking victims between the ages of 13 and 18.  Sara noted that the trafficked girls have
layers upon layers of trauma because their abuse never begins with trafficking,
but rather rape and/or incest.  Pursuing
a conviction and telling her story is part of a victim’s healing process,
however it is unfair that an abuser can question the victim directly in court
and, often times, has paid off an entire village to testify against her.
as a missionary can be lonely and frustrating. 
It’s easy to become desensitized hearing repeated stories of abuse.  One might be discouraged in the face of such
huge evil and the lack of government support. 
Far from home, close friendships are hard to maintain in the transient
community.  Self care is essential. 
yet, every single one of the women we met was exuberant.  Their passion was magnetic and
inspiring.  They are doing hard work, yet
they are filled with joy.  This can only
be from remaining firmly connected to the strength and love of Jesus.   

Your prayers for these hard
workers are always welcome!


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