A Look at Our Priorities

Image courtesy of FoxNews.com


Proverbs 31:8-9 (NLT) Speak up for those who cannot speak
for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.  Yes, speak up for the poor ad helpless, and
see that they get justice.
Re-entry has been tough.  My third world experience is impacting my
tolerance for our perceived first world problems.
I’m over the jetlag, but the
socio-emotional adjustment continues. 
While I was inspired by God’s work through some amazing people, the
overall status of women in Cambodia is discouraging and, in some cases, horrifying.
So it’s frankly disheartening to
return to a full week of Deflategate chatter. 
It leads every local news broadcast – both radio and television.  It’s a prominent conversation topic on social
media, in my home and around town.  Is it
worthwhile to focus so much energy on a game? 
What news stories did we miss while fixated on Tom Brady and Bill
Image courtesy of news.directtv.com
The Super Bowl is the largest weekend
for prostitution in the US, according to ABC
, which means sex trafficking.  A
lot of men, money and alcohol lead to an increased demand for commercial
sex.  It’s big business.  Why aren’t we hearing about this?  January is human trafficking awareness month,
yet the news media doesn’t highlight the ugly and unpleasant truth.
Are you aware of your local
statistics regarding trafficking?  Updated
stats for your state are available from the National Human
Trafficking Resource Center
#Cambodia #sextrafficking #SuperBowl #Deflategate #newsworthy


  1. Wendy Kohman on January 28, 2015 at 4:50 PM

    I am SO with you on this! It has made me crazy but can only imagine how it affects you having just returned from Cambodia (and being in the Patriots' "front yard"). How can we participate in exposing the abusers and prosecuting the perpetrators in the Super Bowl sex trafficking? Any thoughts?

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