Don’t Arrest Me!

Samuel 16:7 (NLT) “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected
him.  The Lord doesn’t see things the way
you see them.  People judge by outward
appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Please Officer, don’t arrest me for
drunk driving.
Yes sir, I know what it looks like.  I’m swerving all over the road, jerking back
into my own lane then riding up on the ice at the base of the snow bank.  Honestly, sir!  I haven’t had a drop in more than 15
years.  No sir, I wasn’t texting.  Look! 
My phone’s in my pocket.  I was
just dodging pot holes!
Things aren’t always as they seem.  The friend who repeatedly puts off a lunch
date isn’t avoiding you, but having trouble paying the bills.  An overly grumpy attitude about the long
snowy winter could be a sign of loneliness. 
A curt answer isn’t meant to offend but one more word might start the
flow of tears.
Take time to become more like Jesus, by looking beyond
appearances and into the heart.
What pot holes are you dodging that cause the appearance of
something different?
Like a productive garden, a rich
relationship should be tended regularly. 
To be reminded to plant His Word in your heart, follow me on Twitter
@Cathy_Chung or subscribe at
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#Lent #appearances #potholes


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on March 8, 2015 at 11:25 AM

    This is wonderful. Really made me examine what I may be saying or doing to give off a wrong message. Thank you

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